MP5515 Vstrg ADC开启的条件

这个Vstrg ADC开启的条件是只需要满足 FBS drops to the VFBS-REF threshold这一个条件,还是需要在满足the Start Cap Test register bit is set的条件下再满足FBS drops to the VFBS-REF threshold?

Vstrg ADC开启的调节需要在满足the Start Cap Test register bit is set的条件下再满足FBS drops to the VFBS-REF threshold?
the Start Cap Test register bit is set只是测试开始的指令。
测试开始之后,FBS drops to the VFBS-REF threshold相当于是计时起点。

1 个赞

Start Cap Test register bit is set是启动CAPTEST,启动后,FBS会随着VSTRG先到达VFBS-REF threshold作为ADC的起点,接着通过外部电阻放电至可设定的终点电压 (PGS TH 80%~95%)